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  • 初中英语九年级下册牛津译林版 Unit3 Asia 导学案

     《Unit3 Asia》导学案Learning aims:学习对话,初步了解although 的用法谈论亚洲不同国家的风景名胜谈论中国风格的事物,简单介绍其情况4.  重点谈北京和桂林Learning focus: 1.用英文简单介绍北京的一些风景名胜    2.although的用法Learning procedures:STEP 1 Talking about the places of interest  In Beijing     1. Show some pictures to the students. Get them to guess what it is . 2. Encourage the students to be creative and try to make different kinds of guesses.&nb..

    类型:学案 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-08-29 星级:一星级

  • 九年级下英语Unit 3 Asia flash

    类型:素材 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-08-29 星级:一星级

  • 牛津译林版九年级英语下册Unit 3 Asia检测题(附答案解析)

     Unit 3  Asia检测题(时间:60分钟;满分:100分) Ⅰ.听力部分(每小题1分,共20分)A)听句子,选出你所听到的单词或短语。每个句子读一遍。1. A. water B. wood C. wheat2. A. arrive B. find C. mind3. A. stranger B. worker C. manager4. A. simple B. different C. difficult5. A. put off B. talk about C. think ofB) 听句子,选择恰当的答语。每个句子读一遍。6. A. It doesn’t matter. B. Well done. C. It’s my pleasure.7. A. Yes, it’s sunny..

    类型:试卷 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-08-29 星级:一星级

  • 9A Unit3 Asia Reading(1)

     Welcome to Bengjing    Unit 3 AsiaReading(1) Unit 3 AsiaReading(1)Welcome to BeijingHave a free talkIn August 2008,something special happened in Beijing, China.Can you tell me what it is? Where was it held?2008 Olympic GamesBird’s Nest. The National Stadium['steidi?m]国家体育场There is another special building for 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.Do you know it?What places do you want to visit? Water CubeIf you go to Beijing next time, will you visit two pl..

    类型:课件 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-08-29 星级:一星级

  • Unit3 Asia单元测试3

    牛津英语9B Unit 3 单元测试3 测试总分:100分 班级_________ 姓名________ 桌号________ 得分________ I. 听力。(20分) A. 根据所听句子,选择正确的答语。(听一遍)(5分) ( )1. A. I’m sorry to hear that. B. Yes. Here you are. C. No, we are here. D. Nice to meet you. ( )2. A. No problem. B. Good idea. C. Yes. I will. D. Thanks. ( )3. A. Yes, I like sports games. B. I often listen to it on the radio. C. It doesn’t matter. D. Yes, you like music, don’t you? ( )4. A. I’ve got my fri..

    类型:试卷 需要精品点:20点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-07 星级:三星级

  • Unit3 Asia单元测试1

    牛津英语9B Unit 3 单元测试1 班级_________ 姓名________ 得分________ I. 听力。(20分) A)根据所听对话及问题,选择正确答案。(听两遍)(10分) ( )1. A. Australia. B. Japan. C. China. D. America ( )2. A. Rainy. B. Windy. C.Snowy D. Fine. ( )3. A. English. B. Maths. C. Biology. D. Chinese ( )4. A. 95346278. B. 95436278. C. 95342678. D.95346287 ( )5. A. At 1:40. B. At 2:00. C. At 2:20. D. At 1:20 B) 根据所听短文,选择..

    类型:试卷 需要精品点:20点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-07 星级:三星级

  • Unit 3

    Unit 3 亚洲 测试总分:100分 班级_________ 姓名________ 桌号________ 得分________ I. 听力。(20分) A. 根据所听句子,选择正确的答语。(听一遍)(5分) ( )1. A. I’m sorry to hear that. B. Yes. Here you are. C. No, we are here. D. Nice to meet you. ( )2. A. No problem. B. Good idea. C. Yes. I will. D. Thanks. ( )3. A. Yes, I like sports games. B. I often listen to it on the radio. C. It doesn’t matter. D. Yes, you like music, don’t you? ( )4. A. I’ve got my friends here. B. S..

    类型:试卷 需要精品点:60点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-07 星级:四星级

  • Unit 3 亚洲

    Unit 3 亚洲 测试总分:100分 班级_________ 姓名________ 桌号________ 得分________ I. 听力。(20分) A)根据所听对话及问题,选择正确答案。(听两遍)(10分) ( )1. A. Australia. B. Japan. C. China. D. America ( )2. A. Rainy. B. Windy. C.Snowy D. Fine. ( )3. A. English. B. Maths. C. Biology. D. Chinese ( )4. A. 95346278. B. 95436278. C. 95342678. D.95346287 ( )5. A. At 1:40. B. At 2:00. C. At 2:20. D. At 1:20 B) 根据所听..

    类型:试卷 需要精品点:20点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-07 星级:三星级

  • 牛津译林版 英语课件:九年级下Unit3 Asia Reading

    Unit 3 Reading Welcome to Beijing Guilin Beijing Where would you like to go? Why do so many people dream of being to Beijing? Can you just imagine the reasons? video Ornament columns Can you use different words that begin with the following letters to describe Beijing? A B C attractive D E F ..

    类型:课件 需要精品点:60点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-07 星级:四星级

  • unit3 grammar

    although 意思是尽管,虽然 可用于句首或者句中,但是不与but 连用。 虽然我的小汽车很旧,但是仍然跑的很好。 Although my car is very old, it still runs very well. It still runs very well although my car is very old . My car is very old but it still runs very well. 尽管他们很穷,但是他们很慷慨。 Although they are very poor, they are very generous. They are very generous although they are very poor. They are very poor but they are very generous. 1.尽管天在下雨但是我们一直踢球。 ..

    类型:课件 需要精品点:20点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-07 星级:三星级

  • 牛津译林版 英语教案:九年级下Unit3 Asia Task and Project

    牛津英语9B? Unit 3 Asia 教案 Task and Project Teaching objectives: 1. to help students review “although” ,”unless” and “so that” 2.to teach students what information should be included a trip to South Korea and how to write one. 3 to make students be aware of the appropriate ways of performing each individual procedure and master the skills 4 to make sure students have opportunities to combine the skills they have learned with reality 5 to aid students to choose and organize the..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:60点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-07 星级:四星级

  • 牛津译林版 英语教案:九年级下Unit3 Asia Reading

    Unit 3 Asia Reading 第一部分 简要提示 一、年级:九年级 二、教学内容:9B Unit 3 Asia 三、课型:阅读课 四、教学目标 1. 知识目标 词汇:掌握本课时的四会单词、词组和句型。 2. 能力目标 通过阅读了解北京和桂林的一些景点,理解并运用本课所学的主要词汇、句型。 3. 情感目标 通过对北京和桂林的了解,引导学生体验祖国河山的美丽,培养学生热爱祖国的情操。 五、教学重难点 1. 重点:1) 通过快读迅速了解文章的结构及主要内容。 2)了解关于这两个城市的背景知识。 2. 难点:..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:60点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-07 星级:四星级

  • 牛津译林版 英语教案:九年级下Unit3 Asia Grammar

    Unit 3?Asia ?Grammar 第一部分 简要提示 一、年级:九年级 二、教学内容:9B ?Unit 3?? Asia 三、课型:语法课 四、教学目标 1. 知识目标 掌握although,unless,so that的用法和规则。 2. 能力目标 能够运用although,unless,so that描述适当情境。 五、教学重难点 1.重点:although,unless,so that三种连词的用法。 2.难点:although 与but的区别; so that 与 so…that 的区别。 第二部分???教学流程 Step 1 ?Lead-in? T: Hello, everyone. Nice to meet you! First I introduce myself to you. My name is Xiey..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:20点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-07 星级:三星级

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