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  • 英语:Module 4 Relationships测验卷(无答案)(上海牛津七年级上)

    Module 4 Relationships 班级 姓名 学号 一.用所给单词的适当形式填空 18% 1.Pudong ______ (nation) Airport is very ______ (wonder). 2. We must look after our eyes ______ (good). 3. Some ______ (India) will visit our school next month. 4. The plane landed ______ (save) at last. 5. His ______ (nation) is American. 6. It rains much ______ (hard) in June in Shanghai. 7. We are ______ (interest) in the film. 8. They have no water to drink. They are ______. (thir..

    类型:试卷 需要精品点:20点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-07 星级:三星级

  • 英语:Module 4 Unit 1 Visiting relatives Workbook课件(上海牛津七年级上)

    4 Relationships 1 Visiting relatives Look, I’ve got a letter and a photograph. Beijing, 10 July Betty Weiming Lucy, 10 Simon, 12 Who is the letter from? It’s from Weiming, your ______. uncle Who are they? They’re your ________. What are their names? They’re ________ and ________. cousins Lucy Simon How old are they? Lucy is ___________ and Simon is __________. ten Where do they live? They live in ________. Beijing twelve How long does it take to travel from Garde..

    类型:课件 需要精品点:20点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-07 星级:三星级

  • 英语:Module 4 Unit 3 Friends from other countries教学日志(上海牛津七年级上)

    Module 4 Relationships Unit 3 Friends from other countries 第一课时:太神了!设计这节课时,大家又到一起来了,叶力老师拿出了一个半成品课件,做的很是用心,当然部分采用了王泓老师去年设计的老课件,已经蛮好的了,只是觉得还少一些趣味和条理。那就重来吧。 Pre-task preparation: 突发奇想,将2007年选的美女放进去,作为引入,不就有趣味了吗?2007年环球小姐冠军是中国的张梓林,亮出玉照,发出问题:---What’s her nationality?引出生词nationality,接下来国家名、国民、国籍,利用王红老师的..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:20点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-07 星级:三星级

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