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  • 九年级英语U6T3SC-Ddoc

    初级中学 九年级 年级 英语 教学案课题:Unit6Topic1SectionC                                 班级:       学生姓名:               自学——质疑——解疑学习目标:通过对毕业典礼的详细解说,赞扬了令人难忘的同学情和师生情。复..

    类型:学案 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-08-03 星级:一星级

  • 九年级英语U6T2SA-D

    初中 九年级 年级 英语 教学案课题:Unit6Topic2SectionA                                 班级:       学生姓名:               自学——质疑——解疑学习目标:了解几位中外画家及其代表作。学习it作形式主语的用法和复习定语从句..

    类型:学案 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-08-03 星级:一星级

  • 仁爱版九年级下Unit 6 Topic 1Section A 课本录音

    类型:素材 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-08-03 星级:一星级

  • 仁爱版九年级下Unit 6 Topic 1 Section D 课本录音

    类型:素材 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-08-03 星级:一星级

  • 仁爱版九年级下Unit 6 Topic 1 Section C 刻板录音

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    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-08-03 星级:一星级

  • 仁爱版九年级下Unit 6 Topic 1 Section B课本录音

    类型:素材 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-08-03 星级:一星级

  • Topics1-3 words mp3

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    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-08-03 星级:一星级

  • 北京市第40中学2014年春九年级下学期英语Unit_6单元测试卷(仁爱版)

    北京市第40中学2014年春九年级下学期英语Unit 6单元测试卷(仁爱版)Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship 一. 词汇。    A. 根据句意及单词首字母完成句子。  1. Alice often uses QQ to c_____________ with friends on line.21教育网  2. The final examination came to an e_____________.21·cn·jy·com  3. During the ceremony, each graduate will receive a d_____________.  4. Change always brings about new p_____________.www.21-cn-jy.com  5. The heavy sno..

    类型:真题 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-08-03 星级:一星级

  • 英语:Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship Topic 1同步测试(仁爱英语九年级下)

      第一部分:听力 (15分) Ⅰ.听句子,选择与句子内容相符的图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分) A B C D E 1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________ 5. _________ Ⅱ.听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读一遍。(5分) ( ) 6. A. Computer. B. Television. C. Newspaper. ( ) 7. A. Because most of them are bad. B. Because some of them are unhealthy. C. Because most of them are good. ( ) 8. A. Information and news. B. Children’s program..

    类型:试卷 需要精品点:20点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-07 星级:三星级

  • 武隆县2007年春期九年级英语(下)Unit 6检测题

    Listening Test Part(20%) I.听句子,找图画。(5分) ( ) 1. A B C ( ) 2. A B C ( ) 3 A B C ( ) 4 A B C ( ) 5 A B C II.听对话,选答案。(5分) ( ) 1. A. A basketball game. B. A volleyball game. C. A football game. ( ) 2. A. He wants

    类型:试卷 需要精品点:20点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-07 星级:三星级

  • 九下U6T3SA

    opic 3 I will remember our friendship forever. Section A 福建省石狮市石光华侨联合中学 王莎白 dollar pound penny This weekend we’ll graduate from Ren’ai International School! Will you come and join our graduation ceremony? (影片1) Answer the following questions according to 1a. What will they do to get ready for the graduation ceremony? What does Michael think of the final examination? Will they give speeches at the ceremony? They will prepare some gifts. He thinks it is a p..

    类型:课件 需要精品点:20点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-07 星级:三星级

  • 九年级英语课件

    Topic 2 He is my favorite character in Chinese literature Section C The Monkey King funny cute bright clever brave Pigsy funny crazy lazy helpful Sandy kind honest loyal(忠诚的) helpful Xuan zang kind Harry Potter

    类型:课件 需要精品点:10点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-07 星级:二星级

  • Unit 6 Entertainment and friendship

    Welcome to our class Unit 6 Entertainment and friendship Topic 1 I would rather watch TV plays than sports shows. would rather do sth. than do sth. 宁愿…也不 What does Maria like doing in her spare time? She likes watching TV. In one’s spare time = in one’s free time quiz shows 智力测试节目 take part in 参加 win a prize 获奖、得奖 be tired of doing sth. 厌烦、厌倦做某事 would rather do sth. 宁愿 在某人的业余时间 would rather do sth. than do sth. 宁愿……也不…..

    类型:课件 需要精品点:20点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-07 星级:三星级

  • Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship. Topic1 I would rather watch TV play than sports shows课件素材

    Unit 6 Entertainment and friendship Topic 1 I would rather watch TV plays than sports shows. 1a Look, listen and say Listen to 1a and find out the meanings of the following key phrases. Key phrases a quiz show agree with sb. win a prize/the first prize be tired of doing sth. would rather do sth. than do sth. 智力问答节目 同意某人 获奖/获得第一名 厌烦做某事 宁愿做某事而不做某事 A: Which kind of program do you prefer, TV plays or sports shows? 1b Pair work ..

    类型:课件 需要精品点:20点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-07 星级:三星级

  • Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship

    Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship Topic 3 I will remember our friendship forever. Section C The main activities are 1a, 2 and 3. 本课重点活动是1a, 2和3。 一. Teaching aims and demands教学目标 a. Knowledge goals: Master the new phrase: come to b. Ability goals: 1. Learn to talk about the feelings about farewells. 2. Learn some information about graduation. c. Emotion goals: 要求学生敢于用英语表达对电视节目、文学和毕业典礼的不同看法。乐于运用所学知识进行情感交流。 二 Key points ..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:20点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-07 星级:三星级

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