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六年级上册第一页:Lesson 1        姓名:
Gao Wei is a good student.He_____________(知道) everyone ________school should obey the rules.He ________(来到)school ________(早).He ________(听) his teacher _________(仔细地).He never _________(制造噪音)_________class.He’s __________(一名小组长).His group ___________(正在制作)a list _________ rules ___ the class.__________(上交)your homework__________(按时).Don’t __________________(迟到)class.
Lesson 3
Peter is a good student ___ school.But sometimes he is not a good boy ___home.He often makes a mess ___his room.He ___________(不)like to help___ set the dinner table.He ___________(看电视)the whole evening.He ___________(在床上看书)and he ___________(上床睡觉)very late.Peter’s mother writes some home rules ___ him:___your room______(保持你的书桌干净)。
Lesson 5
You mustn’t___________ (横穿马路) now.You must ___________(等待)the green light.You mustn’t spit ___the ground.You must ___________不进入the grass.You mustn’t ___________(摘花).You mustn’t litter.We must ___________(好好照顾) young children.
Revision 1
Mimi,Micky and their classmates___________(正在进行)on a social studies field trip.They come to a hospital.The rabbit___________ (举起)her sign___________(在…前面)the hospital.She ___________(想要) tell people, _________(”安静.”)The dog ___________(举起)his sign ___ tell people,”No ___________(横穿!”) Mimi holds up a sign___ tell people, ___________(”小心;当心!”)The panda holds up his sign to tell people, ___________(”不进入草坪.”)Micky points to his sign to tell people,”No___________(乱丢杂物.”)
Lesson 7
I’m reading ___ e-mail ___Lucy.Let me tell you something___________(关于) my daily life.I go to school ____(在)8:30.School ___________(开始)at nine.I have classes ___9:00___11:30.I bring a lunch box ___ school.School___________(放学)at three.I ___________(到家)at about 3:30.Then I ___________(做作业).I___________ (吃晚饭) at about seven.
 Lesson 9
I___________(感到高兴) get your e-mail.My family___________(居住在)Kunming.My grandpa is very kind ___me.I love________ (他)very much.These ___________(照片)are about his daily life.He ___________(散步) from 6:15 to 7:00.The he ___________(读报纸).In the afternoon,he usually (浇花)___his garden or plays ___ his pet dog.He ___________(不外出) in the evening.
 Lesson 11
Gao Wei,Peter and Li Yan ___going on a social studies field trip.___I ask you some questions about Mr Li’s daily life?He often works ___6:00 ___ 12:00.Then he___________( 吃)a quick lunch.What ___ he usually ___ in the afternoon?He usually ___________(继续) his
 第二页:work.Sometimes he ___________(会见) other scientists.Does he often ___________(去购物)? He seldom ___________(去购物).He never ___________(外出吃饭).He always___________ (吃饭) in the office, ______(或者) enen in the lab. _____________________(他工作多么努力呀!)We should ___________(向…学习)him.
Revision 2
The bird is singing (甜美地).
The bird ________________(飞向) Micky. She ________(给)Micky a good idea.Micky ______________(感觉)very happy.
Lesson 13
Everybody ___________(有爱好).___ you interested in___________ (听)music?Do you enjoy ___________(打篮球)?These’s___________ (一种新型的)toy car ___ the shop.Do you like toy cars?My hobby is collecting toy cars. _____________________(你的爱好是什么)?I___________(对…感兴趣) collecting stamps.I have ___interesting hobby.Look!This is my book ___candy paper.So many types___candy paper!So colourful and so___________(漂亮)!
Lesson 15
My grandpa ___________(住在农场)a farm.He ___________(有)some interesting ___________(爱好).Do you want to know something about ______(他)?He enjoys ___________(种花) and ___________(种植蔬菜). He also likes ___________(养动物). __________________________(他养什么动物)?He ___________(养)chicken__,duck__ and some ___________(鹅).Is he good___fishing?Sometimes he _______________(_去钓鱼)___the whole day but _________________(什么都没钓到).____that funny?
Lesson 17
He often makes interesting things ___painting.I’ll show you ___________(怎样去) make them:1.Collect some___________ (树叶).Then,get ___________(一张)paper.2.___a leaf ___(把…放在…上)the paper.3.Do the same ___ the other leaves.4.___________(当…的时候)you finish the drawings,you can paint them ___different colours.5.Now you can make your ____(你自己) leaf paintings.
The animals are ___________(谈论)their hobbies.I don’t like ___________(吃)fish.
My hobby is ___________(吃虫子).
Lesson 19
Lisa’s birthday is ___ October 20th.She is going to _________________________________(举办一个生日聚会).She __________________(想要)invite Peter to her birthday party.
I__________________(想要) invite you___my birthday party. ______________________(_什么时间)? It’s on October 20th. Will you come to my party?Sure! __________________(我愿意).Will you come? ________________________________(在星期几)?It’s___Thursday.We can celebrate ___school.My mum will come and_________________(接我们).
第三页:Lesson 21
Lisa’s uncle and aunt go shopping __________(和)Lisa.They want to buy a birthday cake and some other things _____(为)her birthday party. ________________________________(你想要什么类型的蛋糕?) __________________________________(我想要一个巧克力蛋糕),please. ___________________________________(你想要什么形状的蛋糕)?A round one ___a square one?___________________________(真漂亮)!It ____________________(看起来可爱).Can we get some round balloons and long balloons,too?I’ll ________________________________(举办一个美妙的生日聚会).
Lesson 23
_______________(欢迎来到)my birthday party.They _______________(将要)celebrate Lisa’s birthday.They ___their presents ___(给某人某物). Lisa and Lisa ___________(感觉)very happy.The birthday party ___________(开始).First,they ___________(点亮蜡烛)___ the cake and __________(_唱生日歌.)Lisa ___________(许愿)and then she ___________(吹灭) the candles.After that,Lisa___________(切蛋糕) and ___________(给每人一块).The children also ___________(吃水果) and ___________(糖果).They __________________________(过得愉快)!
Revision 4
Is your birthday____________________________ (在同一天)?
Lesson 25
There are twelve ___________(月) in a year.___ is the first month.The first day,January 1st, __________________________________(被叫做新年).Look!The children _______________(正在滑冰).___ is the second month of the year.In China,the ________________(春节)is ___ January or February.Students ___________________(度寒假) in February.The children ___________(正在庆祝) the Spring Festival.___ is the third month of the year.People can see green ___ and green ___everywhere.In China, ___________(植树节)is ________________(在三月十二日).___ is the fourth month of the year.___is in March or April.It can be on any day ___Macch 20th ___April 20th.Easter is ________________________(总是在一个星期天).During Easter,children get colourful _________________________(_复活节彩蛋).
Lesson 27
_____________is the fifth month of the year.___ is on May 1st.The people __________________(正在庆祝) Labour Day.They ___________(正在唱歌) and ___________(跳舞).And _______________(母亲节) is ___ May, too.___is the sixth month of the year.The first day of June is ______ in China.The children ___________(正在表演). _____________(父亲节) is also ___June.______________ is the seventh month of the year.The students ___________(考试) in July.This boy _____________________(正在努力学习)___ his studies.____________is the eight month of the year.Students ___________(度寒假).Look!The students _____________________(正在野营).
Lesson 29
第四页:____is the ninth month of the year.Student ___________(回到)school.They celebrate ________________(教师节)_________________(在九月十号).The girl_________________ (正在弹钢琴) ___ the Teachers’Day party.________________is the tenth month of the year. ___________(国庆节) is on October 1st. ______________is the eleventh month of the year.In America, __________________(感恩节) Day is__________________________________( 十一月份的第四个星期四).The family are celebrating Thanksgiving___this picture.____is the ____and last month of the year. _______________________(圣诞节) is on _____________________.Look!Santa Claus ________________(正在给) the children presents.
Revision 5
Mimi gives Micky a good book ___________(作为)a New Year gift.Micky is ______________(爬上) a tree.He ____________(没有读)the book.
Lesson 31
___________________________________________(一年有四个季节)._______________ is the first season.In China springtime ____ February.It is still ___________一点儿cold,but it ___________________________________(变得越来越温暖).And the days ____________________________(变得越来越长).Spring is the ____season.The trees have ___________(新绿) leaves.There are ______________(许多) new flowers ____ the cherry trees,apples,pear trees and peach trees.The animals ___________(苏醒)____their long sleep.The birds ___________________(唱歌欢迎)the spring. _________________________________(他们正在做什么)?They are ___________(看)the flowers.They are___________(耕种土地).
Lesson 33
_________________________________________________________(夏天是一年中的第二个季节).In China,summer begins around ___.The weather is hot and sometimes __________(下雨).It is_________ (最热)season.In summer,school ___________(放假).The students ________________(度暑假).Some students _______________(去海滩) and _________________(过得愉快).
Is he planting rice?________________________(肯定回答).Is she making a sandcastle?________________________(否定回答). She’s ___________(正在寻找) shells.
Lesson 35
___________________________________________(秋天是一年中的第三个季节).Autumn begins around ______.The weather________________________(变得越来越凉爽).The days ____________________________(变得越来越短).Autumn is the___________ (金色的)season.The leaves ___the trees are yellow and browm.The farmers____________________(正忙着收获).Look!They ___________(正在摘苹果).____is the ____ and _____season of the year.Winter ____around _____.The weather is cold and it _____(下雪).Winter is the _____(白色的) season.When it ___________(下雪),everything is white.The white world is really beautiful.Look,the children ___________(正在玩雪\打雪仗).

Hi,Kate.______________________(1.你的假期过得怎么样)?It ____(2.是) fantastic!I ________(3.去) Hainan____(4.和) my parents.____________________ (5.你们玩得开心吗)?Sure!We went to _____(6.参观) Sanya.We _____________________(7.看见许多香蕉树), coconut trees and flowers there .It’s a beautiful city.We like it very much.______________________(8.你们也想去那儿吗)?_______________(9.当然).I will to there _________(10.在夏天).
Hi,Gao Wei.I________ (1.给某人打电话)you yesterday,but you__________________ (2.不在家)._____________________(3.你在哪)?I was_______________ (4.在书店).There were _________________(5.许多)new books in it.__________________ (6.你对他们感兴趣吗)?Yes, I was. And I bought a storybook and _________________(7.一本卡通书).How about you?_____________________(8.昨天你在家吗)?No,I went to __________________(9.看电影) yesterday.It was very________________ (10.有趣的).
Hi,Yang Ming.You were not at school_____________ (1.上周).Where were you?I was__________(2.在杭州).Hangzhou?Why?My grandma is in Hangzhou.She_____________ (3.病了) last week.Oh,I’m sorry._______________(4.你出生在杭州吗?)______________(5.不,我不是).But my father was born there.__________________(6.你出生在哪里)?_______________________(7.我出生在北京).Oh,me too.And _____________(8.你出生在什么时间)?___________________(9.我出生在1992年1月1号).____________________(10.在新年吗?)?Yes!Wow!Iwas born __________________________(11.在同一天_)__________(12. 像你一样)!
_______________(1.放学了).Mimi and Micky ____________(2.到家).But Micky __________(3.不能)find his key.Mimi_______(4.问) Micky,“Where ____(5.)you this morning?”Micky says,“________________________(6.我在体育馆)”They _________________(7.进到……里) the gym,but they can’t find the key.“Where were you_______________(8.今天下午)?”Mimi asks. “______________(9.我在图书馆).”Micky says.They go into the library,but they can’t find the key.Mimi is very angry_________ (10.对……)Micky.So she says,“You can’t___________ (11.照看)your things,Micky.”Suddenly,Mimi’s spot something.She ______(12.看见) the key.Where is it?
Last Friday,the children ____________(1._进行了) social studies.They _____________________(2.学习了一个很有趣的主题).Miss Liu____________ (3.告诉他们) about some animals.These animals ______________(4.被叫做)dinosaurs.Dinosaurs lived________________________(5. 几百万年前).Dinosaurs were_________ (6.巨大的) animals.They were ________(7.高),_________(8.大)and ___________(9.强壮).Some __________________(10.跑得非常快),but some only ___________(11.走得慢).Some ________(12.能;会)fly.Some dinosaurs___________ (13.吃草和植物) and some ate meat.But today ________________(14.没有)dinosaurs.We can only find their___________(15.骨头 )underground.
Peking Man________(1. 居住)about 300,000 ____(2.到) 500,000 years ago.His head was _____________________________(3.像猴子的头).He was ____(4) ape-man.He lived _____(5)a big cave.He made things ________(6)stones.He used stones ______(7) kill animals ___(8.获取)food.He got water______ (9.从) the river _________(10.附近地).He made fire_____ (11)cook and _____ (12)keep warm _________(13.在冬天).Lisa and her parents saw some________ (14.画)____(15)the cave wall.They also saw some small art work made _____(16) Peking Man.Lisa really ________________________(17.喜欢参观) Peking Man_______________(18.的家).
Last Saturday________(1.是) March 12th.It was Tree Planting Day.It was ________(2.晴朗的).Gao Wei and his classmates________ (3.去) plant trees.They used spades to dig holes ____(4)the ground.Then they________ (5.带来) young trees and _____ them ____(6)(把……放在……里)the holes .They got water________(7.从) the river nearly.They________(8. 浇) the young trees.
Trees are very important ______(9)people.They can________(10. 阻止风沙).They can _____________(11.使空气新鲜干净).The students want to make their country ________(更绿).

It was ____________(1.植树节).It was a____________(2. 晴天) .The animals ____________(3.想要)make their homeland more beautiful.They wanted to plant trees.They____________(4. 挖很多坑)many holes in the ground and _____ the young trees ______(5) the holes.They worked very hard.Micky and the rabbit____________ (6. 干得最努力).They planted many trees.They worked ____________(7.非常快).It was lunch time.The panda wanted to see who planted the most trees.The rabbit ____________(8.数数):“1,2,3,4,…Oh, I planted 12 young trees.”Micky counted his trees. “1,2,3,4,…Oh,I planted 12 young trees,too.”The rabbit____________(9. 站起来)and ____________(10.叫喊): “No.You ____________(11.没有) plant 12 trees.You planted____________(12. 仅仅) 11 trees.”Do you know why?
My name is Terry.Look ______ (1)the map _____ (2)my neighourhood. There are ______ (3.几座) tall buildings near the park.I______  (4.住在)a flat in one of those buildings.The park is very beautiful.There are_________ (5. 许多) trees in it. ____(6) the main street is a bank. ______ (7.紧挨着) the bank is a hairdresser.Next to the hairdresser is a clothes shop. ______(8.在……对面) the road,there is a noodle restaurant. ______(9.餐馆的左边) is a cake shop. ______(10.它右边) is a grocery shop. It is usually crowded______(11) weekends.Many ______ (12.人)_________(13.去购物) in the supermarket.The market is very big and very ______(14.干净).My neighbourhood is a______  (15.忙碌和舒适) place.

Lesson 15
Good morning,Lisa.Good morning, Lily.Nice to see you here.I _________(1.搬到) this neighbourhood last week.Really?Welcome_____(2)my neighbourhood!Thank you. _________(3.顺便问一下), I want to go to the post office.But where is it? _________(4.沿着……直走) this road.When you _________(5.到达) the main street, _________ (6.左转)Go straight _________ (7.沿着) that street.You will see a green building _______(8) the left.The post office is in it.Thank you. _________(9.不客气;不用谢).

Lesson 17
Excuse me, ___________________(1.我怎么才能到达城市图书馆)?The City Library?Oh,you can________________________________(2. 乘坐16路公交车).But_______ (3.公交车站在哪?)Look,it’s _______(4.就在那边), _______(5.在……对面)the road. ______________(6.下车) the bus _______(7)the third stop,and then _____________ (8.左转). _____________ (9.沿着……直走) Blue Road.The City Library is____________________(10.在你左边).Thank you. You’re welcome.
The bear_______(1.将要) the post office.He _______(2.指着) the map and asks Micky,“Excuse me, _______(3.我怎样才能到达邮局)?”Micky tells him, “_______(4.向前一直走).When you see a red building, ___________ (5.右转).Go along the road.You must turn right _______(6.当……的时候) you see a green building.”And then,Micky says, “You should go straight __________(7.直到……为止) you see a yellow house.Then you should turn right.The post office _______(8.就在那儿.)”The bear _______(9.开始寻找)the post office.He _______(10.右转) and____________ (11.直走).And he turns right again. _______(12.最后),he turns right _______(13.第三次).The bear _______(14.遇到) Micky again. “Why have you ___________(15.回来)?’Micky asks. _______(16.怎么了)?

Lesson 19
   Peter’s family __________________(1.将要去旅行) around China _______(2.在……期间)the school holidays. The first place _______(3.去) is _______(4.长城). It is _______(5.最长) wall_______(6.) the world. Then they are going to____________ (7.乘飞机) to Hangzhou. They are going to see ______________(8.西湖)and they are going to drink “_______(9.龙井茶)”. They_______ (10.还要)visit Sanya.They_______(11.计划) go to_______(12.西安) and Harbin, too.

Lesson 21
_______________________(1.今天我们要去参观哪里)?We’ re going to visit _____________(2.长城) this morning. And then _____________(3.明十三陵) this afternoon.Is the Great Wall _______(4.离这远)? No. It’s _______ (5.北京北部). The Ming Tombs _______(6.也是) to the north of Beijing. ___________________(7.什么时候要去参观颐和园)? Tomorrow morning. The Summer Palace is very beautiful. __________(8.有) a big lake and_______(9.许多)interesting ___________(10.地方) in it. We can learn __________________________(11.许多关于中国的历史).

Lesson 23
Can you see Big Ben and Tower Bridge _______(1.在那边)? They are ____________(2) London. Wow, they are fantastic!   Here’s America. The capital city_______ (3.被叫做) Washington D.C.I_____________(4.我确信)you’ll like Disneyland. It is ____________(5.最大的游乐园之一)______(6) in the world. Great, we’ll go to Disneyland. What about New York? Yes, you’ll like New York.It is_______ (7.最大的城市之一)_______(8) America. Then we can _______(9.去) Niagara Falls. Niagara Falls is ______(10)Canada.Oh, it’s_____________(11.如此有趣). What’s that, Dad?That’s the CN Tower _____
(12)Toronto. It is _______(13.最高)tower in the world.__________________
(14.你想要去澳大利亚吗)? You’ll like the Sydney Opera House. Of course.
I want to see all these_______ (15.著名的地方). Well, let’s go to Disneyland, OK? Yeah!  Super!
The animals _______________(1.正在开会).They _______________(2.正在谈论)their holidays.They want to_______________ (3.环游世界). The bear wants to see Big Ben.He is going to London _______________(4.乘飞机).The panda wants to_______________ (5.玩得开心) ______(6. ) Disneyland.She is going to _______________(7.乘轮船) to America.The elephant and the rabbit want to go to Australia.They are going to see _______________(8.悉尼歌剧院). Mimi asks Micky,“Where are we going?”Micky answers, “_______________(9.让我们去加拿大吧).”Mimi asks Micky, “____________________________(10.我们将怎样到达那儿)?”Micky says,“We’re going there _______________(11.骑自行车).Let’s climb _______________(12.电视塔) in Toront.” _______________(13.他们能骑车到那吗? )
Lesson 25
Look ______(1) this blue planet. This is our home. _______(2.有) plains, mountains, rivers, lakes and oceans _______(3) our planet. There are _______(4.各种各样的)trees, flowers and grass ____(5) our planet. There are all kinds of _______(6.野生动物)_______ (7.生活)together with us. _____________(8.你不想) keep our planet beautiful? But sometimes we do bad things ______(9)it. We waste too _______(10.大量的)water. We cut down too _______(11.许多)trees. We hunt _______(12.太多) wild animals_______(13) our food _______(14.或者)clothes….We _______(15.不应该做) these things. We should _______(16.挽救) our planet, because we have _______(17.仅仅;只有) one planet.

Lesson 27
We must _______ our planet _______(1.使……更绿).We can do _______(2.许多)things about it.Let’s _______(3.开始) today.We should wear cotton clothes.We shouldn’t wear fur _______(4.和)leather clothes.We should _______(5.节省) water.We Shouldn’t _______(6.浪费) it.We should _______ our rivers and oceans _______(7. 保持……干净).We shouldn’t _______ them _______(8.使……脏).We should _______(9.善待) wild animals.We should tell people_______(10.不要) hunt them. We should plant trees _______(11.在我们家周围).We Should _____________________(12.好好照顾)them.

Lesson 29
Look _____ (1)these animals, Peter. Do you know _______(2.他们)?
Sure! They’re pandas, tigers, _______(3.鹿) golden monkeys and red-crowned cranes.
These are rare wild animals _______(4) China. People _______(5.将努力)protect _______(6.他们).We should _______(7.帮助) do that. _____________________________(8.野生动物是我们的朋友).

One night,a small green visitor _______(1.来到) our planet.He was _______(2.从……来)another planet.The computer _______(3.在……上) his body said that _______(4.有许多) trees _______(5) our planet.The green visitor _______(6.寻找) water.His computer said our planet had clean water.In the moring,the green visitor _______(7.遇见)Micky and Mimi.The visitor told Mimi and Micky that he _______(8.来自)another planet.He said,“___________________(9.你们必须挽救你们的星球).”Mimi and Micky ______(10.跑到)school_______(11)tell their teacher.But the visitor _______(12.飞回到 )his planet.

Lesson 31
Hello, everyone. Your studies_______ (1)primary school ___________________(2.即将结束). _______________________________(3.你能告诉我你在小学的学习生活吗)?I _______(4.来自) school when I _______(5) six. Now I’m twelve. I learnd _______(6.许多) in primary school. Teachers _______(7.教我们)_______(8.用许多方法). They taught us how _______(9) learn _______(10) know.Really? That is very interesting. Then, _______________________(11.你能告诉我你是怎么学会知道的吗)?I learned a lot _______(12从) our textbooks. But _______(13.不仅仅是这一种方法). Our teachers taught us _______(14.怎样学到更多 )from real life. I learned a lot_______(15. 从周围人的身上). I learned a lot ___________________(16.从电视节目上), radios and newspapers. And I learned _______________ (17.怎样使用) reference books _______(18)the library. Oh, that’s very good. I believe you _______(19.会有更大的进步)_______(20) your studies.
Lesson 33
I learned a lot _____________________________(1.通过制作东西).I can __________________(2.制作木偶,玩具和工具).I learned a lot of _________(3.从…….) field trips.I can______________ (4.采访人们).I can _______(5.作笔记). _______(6.通过种花我学会了许多 ).I can _______(7.好好照顾它们). _______(8.我学会做许多东西).I can _____________________(9.画画和绘画).I learned a lot by cooking.I can___________ (10.炒\做鸡蛋).
Make a puppet_______  make a cake _______ draw and paint __________
play the piano_______   feed a rabbit_______ interview people_________

Lesson 35
We _______(1.做了)_________________(2.许多活动) since we _______(3.来到……) school six years _______(4.以前). We learned together, worked together and played together. We learned English _______(5.成对) or_______( 6.成组) and solved problems together.
     ________________(7. 最重要的)thing we _______(8. )we learned _______(9.去做) good boys and girls. We learned _______(10) kind and friendly _______(11) other people. We learned _______(12.去帮助 )our parents _______(13.在家) and people _______(14) our neighbourhood. We learned _______(15)obey social rules and _______(16)behave properly.
      We’re very pleased _______(17) our (18.学习) _______(19) school.

Revision 6
Micky and Mimi are in a new fun classroom.They are learning _______ (1.用新的方法).Micky,Mimi and _______(2.其它的朋友)_______(3.谈论)their group project.(4.学会知道).Let’s _______ (5.找一找) _______ (6.在因特网上) _______(7.学会去做).I know. _______ (8.放)blue,green,yellow,red…_______ (9.得到)BLACK! ______________(10.学会生活在一起). ____________(11.学会做……). _____________ (12.做个好孩子) _______________(13.做个伟大的老师)_________________(14.做个伟大的医生)



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