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(外研版)三年级英语上册教案 Module8 unit2(1)

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Where is the cat?
1.单词卡片 (where, in , bag, )
2. 课件
3. 实物: pen, pencil, ruler, eraser,yellow bag, red bag, green bag,
学具: blue bag, black bag, orange bag, purple bag.
任务设计:让学生通过学习本课知识,学会结合实物运用“Where’s the …?Is it in the …? Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t”,进行语言交际。
Teaching procedure:
Step 1: Warm up and revision
1.Greeting with students
T : Hello, boys and girls.        S: Hello, Miss cai.
T : How are you?              S: I’m fine. Thank you.
T: You are welcome.
T: What’s your name?          S1: My name is ××
T: How old are you?           S2: I’m ×
2. Sing a song:   《What’s this?》
3. Chant : 《pen and pencil》
T:(出示一个blue bag书包)what’s this?
S: It’s a bag.
T: What color is it?
S: It’s blue. It’s a blue bag.
T: 今天老师给大家带来了许多present,I put them in it.你们知道是什么吗?
Do you know? What’s in the blue bag?
S: I don’t know.
T:不知道你们可以猜一猜。现在我们就来猜一猜,比一比,看谁的运气最好,猜得最准。不过在猜的时候我们可要用上这个句子来表示自己的猜测和疑问。(板书:Is it a ……)
S: Is it a pen? (Is it a pencil?)
T: No, it isn’t.(Yes, it is.)
[结合实物复习上节课的Is it a pen? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t句型,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中复习了大量的词汇,有利于学生掌握本课内容,为下一步学习做好铺垫。]
Step2: Presentation
1.Teach the new word :bag(袋子)
T: (出示一个实物yellow bag) What’s this?  (板书bag)
   朗读bag  bag  袋子
2.play a game : look and say(课件依次出现yellow bag  green bag  red bag  blue bag)
   T: What’s this?        S: It’s a yellow bag.     (并板书yellow green)
3.Teach the new word : “in”
T:(出示一个实物green bag)what’s this?
S:It’s a green bag.
T: What’s in the green bag?(板书:in the)你们知道in 是什么意思吗?Do you know?
S:I don’t  know.
朗读in in 在里面(配上节奏和动作)
朗读in the yellow bag   in the green bag
T: What’s in the green bag? Please guess!
S: Is it a cat? (Is it a dog?)
T: No, It isn’t. 还有谁要来猜?(Yes, It is.)
[用学生喜闻乐见的guessing game引出新单词”in”,让学生在真实的情境中理解新单词的意思,并理解它的用法。]
4.Teach the new word:” Where” and the new sentences: “Is it in the yellow bag?”
T:good job! Now I have two bags in different colors and a toy cat. Close your eyes
  ( put the toy cat in the green bag.)
T: Look , the cat is missing . where’s the cat?(板书课题)
你们知道Where 是什么意思吗?Do you know?
S: I don’t know.
朗读Where Where 在哪里(边读边配上相应的动作)。
Where’s the cat?又是什么意思呢?(板书:猫在哪里)
齐读:where’s the cat?
要猜where’s the cat?  要用上这个句子Is it in the yellow bag?(板书Is it)
  齐读新句型:Is it in the  yellow/green/red/black  bag?
  T: Where’s the cat?
S: Is it in the yellow bag?
T: No, it isn’t.\Yes, it is. (It’s in the green bag.)
5.play a guessing game.
  T: What’s this?   S: It’s a dog.
  T: Please close your eyes,(师把dog放在其中一个袋子里。)
Who can ask?
S1: Where’s the dog?
T: Who can answer?
S2: Is it in the yellow bag?   No, it isn’t.\Yes,it is.(It’s in the yellow bag.)
[让学生利用实物进行真实的语言交际活动,让学生进一步巩固新学的句型。] Step3: practice
1.Do pair work
请同学利用手中的pen pencil book和yellow bag  green bag和黑板上的句型同桌两个作对话。
T : Let’s do an activity. listen to my orders. (Stand up ,   sit down ,  hands up ,
hands down, put your book in the desk, put your pencil in the desk,put your pen in the yellow bag., put your book in the green bag.)
3.Ask and answer
S1:Where’s the book?
S2: It’s in the red bag.
Step 4: Assignment
1.Listen to the tape of Module8 Unit2  three times and repeat.
2.Play the guessing game with your parents.
板书:              Where’s the cat?
                            Yellow bag?    
Is it in the
           Green bag?
Yes , it is./No, it isn’t.
It’s in the green bag.



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