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B5 M6 U2 She

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M6 U2 She’s got a pet cat.教学设计
课  题
M6 U2 She’s got a pet cat.

第  课时

课 时 目 标
1. To practice with these patterns: I’ve got…/ You’ve got…
2. To describe a person or an animal’s feature with: He’s got…/ She’s got…/It’s got…
3. To review the chant on P25 and words of animals.
4.To review words of someone’s body.
5. To Learn a new song: Apple Song.

1. How to describe the feature of a person or an animal.
2. How to use ‘has got’ and ‘has got’.

课 前 准 备
T: CAI, some toy animals

教  学  过  程

Step1. Greetings
T: Good morning, boys and girls.
Ss: Good morning, Miss Bian.
Step2. Free talk
1. Questions and answers: What day is today? What’s the weather like today? What’s the season now? How many seasons in one year? etc.
2. A chain drill: T: What’s your favorite animal? S1: My favorite animal is … What can you see in our classroom? S2: I can see…What’s the date today? S3: It’s …
Step3. Revision
1. Show a bag.(put some toy animals in it )
T: Look, what have I got?
S: You’ve got a bag.
T: Yes, today I bring you some presents in this bag. You can take it out and tell us what it is.
2. Let some pupils to take the objects out.
T: What have you got?
S1: I’ve got a rabbit.
T: Do you like it?
S1: Yes, I do.
T: What have you got?
S2: I’ve got a duck.
T: What color is it?
S2: It’s yellow.
(Practice six times to lead in the six animals.)
3. Point to their objects and say.
T: What has Jim got?
Ss: He’s got a duck.
T: What has Lily got?
Ss: She’s got rabbit.
T: What has …got?
4. Look at CAI and chant.
I’ve got a dog. You’ve got a cat. He’s got a mouse! Look at that!
I’ve got a rabbit. You’ve got a snake. She’s got a duck, there in the lake!
①Group work.
②Point to someone and say.
③Chant together.
5. Review the form of I’ve= I have
                      you’ve = you have
                      he’s = he has
                      she’s = she has
                      It’s = ? =It has                    
Step4. Presentation
1. Game
T: Now let’s play a guessing game. OK?
Ss: OK.
T: Listen to my riddle: It’s an animal. It’s got a long body. It’s got no legs. It’s green. It’s very scary. What is it?
Ss: It’s a snake.
T: Bingo! You’re so clever!(show a snake)
2. lead in
Show the riddles. Ask some pupils to read and guess.
It’s got long ears. It can jump. What is it?
It’s got a very long nose. It’s big. What is it?
It’s got eight legs. It’s black. What is it?
It’s got two legs. It can fly. What is it?
Check the answers, show and spell the words. Play a driving game.
e.g. r-a-b-b-i-t-rabbit
3. Show a panda and a duck, four pupils a group to discuss how to describe them.
Step 5. Sing a song
T: I’ve got a funny English song, let’s sing together. Shall we sing it?
CAI: Play a song: Head, shoulders, knees and toes.
Pupils stand up, sing and do the actions after the music.
Step6. Practice
1. Point to myself.
T: I’ve got a big nose. What have you got?
S1: I’ve got a big mouse.
S2: I’ve got two small eyes.
S3: I’ve got two big ears.
S4: …
2. Let a boy to describe himself with I’ve got…
Then T asks others: What has he got?
Ss: He’s got …
3. Let a girl to describe herself with I’ve got…
Then T asks others: What has she got?
Ss: She’s got …
4. Show a photo of movie star Jack Chen.
T: Who is he?
Ss: He’s Chen long.
T: Yes, he’s English name is Jack. Chinese people like him.
Do you like him? What has he got?
Ss: He’s got a big nose, two small eyes, a small mouse, shot hair, two big hands and ...
T: And he’s got very good kung fu. Do you want it?
Ss: Yes, I do.
Use the same way to lead in and describe the movie star Zhao Wei, the sportsman Liu Xiang,
Use the adj. with long legs, beautiful eyes, lovely face, etc. 
5. Let pupils to describe their good friend with he’s got… or she’s got…
S1: My good friend is Jason. He’s got a lovely face. He’s got…
6. Guessing game.
Ask a pupil to describe his/her friend; the others try to guess who he/she is.
Step 7.Learn a new song.
1. Show a riddle. It’s a fruit. It’s got a round body. It’s red. It’s juicy. And it’s sweet. What is it?
Ss: It’s an apple.
T: Do you love apples? Do you love to eat?
2. T reads the features and lead in the words of the new song.
3. Play the song, listen and sing together.
Step 8. Over

作  业  设  计

1. Perform the chant on P25 to parents.
2. To choose one kind of animal, write down a riddle to describe it. Get ready to read it in the class, and let others to guess.
3. To describe father, mother or a friend.
4. Fill in these blanks with has or have.
① I ___ got a sweet apple.
② He ____ got a yellow bird.
③ It ___ got a long nose.
④ ____ you got a lovely cat?

教  学  反  思

本课我能较好地关注个体差异,进行差异教学。学生的知识接受能力有强有弱,记忆水平也有高有低。通过复习,我发现有个别能力较弱的学生还没有完全掌握什么时候用has got,什么时候用have got,这个时候,我没有强加纠正,而是说 Sorry!这样暗示他说错的同时,也提示了他应该用正确的表达方式。在小组练习的时候,我有步骤地先请反应快的学生先问答,给那些反应慢的学生做示范,然后搭配着请一些快慢组合,这样,就能够让他们共同进步了。在以后的学习中,还需要对这小部分的学困生倾注更多的耐心和帮助,我打算继续发挥同学互帮互助的作用,让大家一起来帮助他们。



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