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上传时间: 2014-09-17

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Step One: Warmer.
T:1. Say “ Hello”. boys and girls. How are you ?
Step Two: Revision.
1.、T: What are you going to do on Saturday? Guess, please.
S1: I am going to …? ( show the picture)
T:  It’s a very interesting place. 
2.Look and say. 
T: Who wants to see with me on Saturday?  Please stand up. 
Ss: On Saturday, we are going to see…”.     show the picture and say it together using “ We’ll see…”( one picture by one picture )
Step Three: Elicitation and presentation. 
1. Stonehenge: <1>Now Amy and Lingling are in England .They’re going to go to a very old place. Guess, where is it? Stonehenge
<2>Let’s Chant.
2.T:Do you want to know more about Stonehenge? OK, now let’s begin.
 T:This is a very old place. It’s five thousand years old. We call it Stonehenge. It’s in the southwest of England. There are lots of very big stones. They are in a circle. Some stones are on top of others.
 (1) a. Is it interesting? Why did people build this?(Show the card)
b. Why did people build this? No one knows. It is a mystery.
(2)Do you want to solve the mystery? 
(3)You are clever .If you study hard,Maybe you will solve the mystery. I HOPE SO!What do you think?
3.? Text: Do you want to see Stonehenge? Our old friends Lingling and Amy are going to see an interesting place---Stonehenge . What will they see there? Let’s go with them.
4.?Now let’s listen to the text and try to answer my questions. 
 Questions:(1)What will we see there? 
(2)How will we get there? (听录音后,小组讨论,全班交流。)
5.Now let’s listen to the text again and try to follow it .
6.Then read in your groups .
Step four :Summary
News words and sentences .
Step five :Homework:
1. The new words three times and the sentences two times.
2. My favourite season is summer. SO this summer holiday I will have a travel.I’ll go to a very beautiful place. Guess, where will I go?  Beijing. Do you want to go with me? OK,How will we get there?let’s look what we will see there.老师示课件,The Great Wall,Summer Palace,Olympic games,Beihai Park……After class ,talk about your travel in your groups and write down . 


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