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Teaching content
5A   Unit4  Halloween
Period 1st  Part A

Teaching aims
1. Enable the Ss to listen, say and read the new words and phrases: Halloween, thing, tomorrow, mask, vase, horse, change, pumpkin lantern.
2. Enable the Ss to use the sentence structures correctly: What (else) do you need? I need ___. Do you like ___s ? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
3. Enable the Ss to grasp the text and retell the text.
4. Enable the Ss to know the customs of Halloween.

1. Enable the Ss to communicate with others by using the new words and the sentence structures.
2. Enable the Ss to grasp the text and retell the text.
3. Enable the Ss to know the customs of Halloween.

1. Enable the Ss to use “Do you like ___s ? Yes, I do.” correctly.
2. Enable the Ss to retell the text according to the key words.

Teaching Aids
CAI, some word cards, real things (like some masks, sweets, flowers, etc.)

Step 1. Warm-up and lead in:
T: Today I am your new English teacher.
My name is Chen Lei. My English name is Casey.
Hello! May I have your name? Do you have an English name?
Do you like animals?
Do you like…?
What animals do you like? I like chickens and my family like eating chicken.
What food do you like?
T: What food do I like? Try to guess.
  Let me show you. (draw a pumpkin)
T: Yes, I like pumpkins, because they are soft and sweet.
T: Pumpkins are also very interesting. We can use a pumpkin to make a pumpkin lantern. How to make a pumpkin lantern?
What (else) do we need?
S: A knife, a spoon, a candle.
T: Now we get a pumpkin lantern. Look! There are some pumpkin lanterns. Look at these people. They are wearing masks and different costumes. They are having a party. What’s the name of this party?
S: It’s a Halloween party.
T: Let’s learn more about Halloween.
( Introduce the customs of Halloween )
T: Up to now we know something about Halloween, but how to prepare for a Halloween party?

首先在Free talk环节渗透本单元的重点句型“Do you like…?”以此让学生理解并初步尝试运用,为下面的语篇教学铺设语言构架。然后以“pumpkin lantern”揭示本单元主题“Halloween”,通过CAI,使学生初步了解万圣节的一些习俗,渗透文化意识教育。

Step 2. Presentation and practice:
T: Look, these people are preparing for a Halloween party, let’s have a look and try to answer the four “Wh-questions”(Who? Where? When? What?). Before watching, I’d like to show you a reading tip: 根据问题划出关键词句。
T: Who are they?
S: Ben and his family.
T: Where are they?
S: They are in the sitting-room.
T: When is Halloween?
T/Ss: The 31st of October.
T: What do they need for a Halloween party?
  Please read the text and circle the things.
S: They need…(some chocolate, some flowers, a vase, some masks and a pumpkin lantern)
T: Let’s read the whole text after the tape. This time please try to think about the two questions: What masks does Ron like? How much are the things? Before reading, please look at  Reading Tip 2: 阅读时如果遇到生词,你可以联系上下文猜测词义或通过查阅字典了解词义。
S: He likes horses, tigers and monkeys.
  They are eighty-seven yuan.
T: Here’s your change. Here “change” means____.
T: What masks do you like? Do you like ___? (Try to act as an assistant.)
S: I like…/ Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
T: Here are your masks. Ten yuan, please.
S: Here you are.
T: Here’s your change.

通过让学生泛读课文P30和精读P31,分别结合两个Reading Tip引导学生自主探究语篇所涉及的人物、地点、时间、相关物品及一些文本细节,然后通过师生互动教学生词、操练句型。

Step 3. Extension:
T:  I like bear masks. I’m Winnie the Pooh now.
   Look! I want to go to the Halloween party. But I need some help. Can you help me?
T: Stage 1: Try to retell the things Ben and his family prepare for the Halloween party.
  (Ss retell the text according to the key words on the blackboard)
  Stage 2: Halloween is coming soon. Let’s go shopping! I need some assistants. Let’s have an interview.
  (Assistant wanted)
  Stage 3: How to get Halloween candies?
  (Chant: Trick or Treat?)

(1) Listen, read and try to retell the text.
(2) Surf the Internet and try to find the customs about Halloween.

    通过“小熊闯关”的游戏引导学生复述课文、情境对话,并通过Chant的拓展使学生了解 “Trick or Treat?”是万圣节中最受孩子们欢迎的活动。

Board  Design:

10/31  Unit 4  Halloween
Do you like…s?             What (else) do they need?
Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.        They need…




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