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Module 3 教案

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Module 3 教案
模块  Module 3

本模块以“On the radio”为话题,重点学习动词不定式和现在分词的用法,并通过对话部分的学习,让学生了解电台广播节目的制作流程;通过阅读一个十五岁孩子的电台求职经历了解电台工作所需要的技能,最后完成一个设计、制作学校电台广播节目的任务。

Give advice and warnings
… but remember to look out for the red light …
… and stop talking!
So keep studying, and maybe one day you can join us.
… Quiet, please.
win  report   reporter   score   everybody   mention  prepare   goal  hate explain   voice   seem   weekly   article   glass   sound   check 
newsreader    ssh   listener   microphone  
look out   look down   Don’t mention it   ask for  
Verbs followed by –ing form or infinitive
1.    We’d like to thank you for taking us around Radio Beijing. 
2.    So keep studying, and maybe one day you can join us.
3.    I did this by looking out of the window.
4.    Even in tiny villages which had no electricity, or forms of communication, people began to listen to the radio, not only for entertainment, but to educate themselves, too.

听    Listen to people talking about radio programs
说    Give advice and warnings
Talk about memories
Ask and answer about the radio programs 
读     Read a story about asking for a job on radio
写    Write about important events in the past and background information
Make a poster about friendship






第一课时:Listening and Vocabulary &Pronunciation and Speaking
第二课时:Vocabulary and reading
第三课时:Writing, Around the world &Module Task
第四课时:Language in use

Period 1 Listening and speaking
Language goals 语言目标
Key vocabulary 重点词汇
win  report   reporter   score   everybody   mention  prepare   goal  hate
Key structures 重点句式
 We’d like to thank you for ...
 So keep studying, and ...
Ability goals 能力目标
Enable students to listen to and talk about planting trees.
Teaching methods 教学方法
Listening and speaking.
Teaching important/difficult points教学重难点
How to talk about planting trees 
Teaching aids 教具准备
Tape recorder, a projector and a computer.
Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式

StepⅠWarming up and lead-in
Talk about radio programs with students. 
T: Most of teenagers are not using radio now. You have MP3s, you have walkmans. But radio is still one of the most important media in the modern world today. People get news, music, education and information … on the radio. People can listen to the radio on the bus, at home, when doing other things. Today we are going to talk about radio programs. What radio programs do you know of?
S: News report.
S: Music radio.
S: Sports.
S: Weather report

T: Good. Can you match these programs and the words in the box?
Ask students to listen to the recording and check the answers.

Step II Listening and reading
Ask students to listen to the recording and answer the questions in activity 2.
T: Most people hope to get the latest news on the radio. What is the latest news, do you know?
S: The latest news is the news published most recently.
T: Also we can get information about the weather, the sports results and some people on the radio. Now listen to the recording and find the answers to activity 2.
Check the answers by asking students to listen to the recording again.
Ask students to listen to the conversation in activity 3 and answer the questions in activity 4.
Sample answers to activity 4:
1. Chen Huan finds it enjoyable to take them around.
2. Because they are from different countries. Tony is from England.
3. I think the friends feel the visiting great and helpful.
Ask students to read the conversation and do activity 5.
Check the answers by asking some students to read the completed passage.
Then ask students to find out the sentences which show advice and warning.
T: During the visit to the Radio Beijing, Chen Huan has given the friends some advice and warnings. What are they? Now read again and find out.
Sample sentences:
 … but remember to look out for the red light …
 … and stop talking!
 OK, see the red light? Quiet, please.
 So keep studying, and maybe one day you can join us.
After this, ask students to role play the conversation.

Step III Speaking
Ask students to listen to the sentence and learn to read syllables together.
T: When we read some sentences, we often read some syllables together, especially when we read the words ending in a consonant and the words beginning with a vowel in a sense group. Now listen and repeat the sentences after the recording. Then read the sentence aloud by yourselves.
Pair work
In this procedure, students will talk about the radio in pairs.
Sample dialogue:
A: You said you like listening to the radio? So what do you like listening to?
B: I’d like listening to the sports news.
A: And what do you hate listening to?
B: Well, I hate listening to the business news.
A: What program did you listen to the last time you turned on the radio?
B: I listened to English Learning.
A: What do you need to do if you want to be a newsreader?
B: I need to speak English well.
A: What must you keep doing to work on radio?
B: Keep studying.
A: Do you or your parents decide what to listen to and when to listen to the radio?
B: I decide. My parents sometimes give me some advice on what to listen to.

Step IV Homework
Ask students to finish activities 5—9 on pages 105 and 106.
Period 2 Reading and writing
Language goals 语言目标
1. Key vocabulary 重点词汇
explain   voice   seem   weekly   article   glass   sound   check
2. Key structures 重点句式
 When I was … I remember …
 Once a week I …
Ability goals 能力目标
Enable students to write a passage describing an important event in the past and some background information.
Teaching important/difficult points教学重难点
How to write a passage describing an important event in the past and some background information.  
Teaching methods 教学方法
Reading and writing.
Teaching aids 教具准备
A projector and a computer.
Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式

Step I Revision and lead-in
Check the homework.
T: Last period we learnt how a radio program works. What is the first step of making the program?
S: Collecting the latest news and writing the reports.
T: What should we do then?
S: Then we decide what to listen to … and what to see.
T: Good. To do a radio program everyone in the station needs to speak English well. So we can see English is so important that we must work hard and study it well. And what do you think you should have if you want a job in radio?
S: We should have good voice.
T: Right. It is a very important quality for a radio presenter. Today we’ll read a story about a teenager’s early career. Before that, look at the picture on the top right of page 20. What does the picture show us?
S: It shows us a working scene of workers on a radio program.
S: Someone is reporting the news. And some are discussing.

Step II Reading 
In this step, students will read the passage and learn how to describe things in the past.
T: Do any of us like to work on a radio program?
S: Yes, I’d like if I could.
T: Can you tell us the reason(s)?
S: Yes. I love the radio. I often learn to make recordings of myself in my free time, and by doing this, I learn to improve my spoken English and my voice of speaking English.
T: Very good. Good English and good voice are both important. Next please read the passage and answer the questions in activity 2.
Ask some students to answer the questions after reading.
Sample answers:
A fifteen-year-old teenager.
The story is about the how the writer’s career in radio begins.
Maybe he wrote it for a memory.
Then discuss the story with students to make sure they understand the order of the events.
T: What is the writer doing in the story?
S: The writer is asking for a job in radio.
T: But the writer stops the story suddenly when he / she begins recalling his / her story in the earlier past. What did the writer tell us? Now read the following paragraphs and find out.
After several minutes.
T: From the story, we know the writer has always loved the radio. What did the writer say about his / her love for radio?
S: From very young, the writer began sitting close to the radio in the living room, listening to favorite programmes and to the voices of favorite presenters. 
S: Then the writer asked for jobs in small radio stations.
S: The writer learnt to play music from computer to listeners, talked about life at school.
S: Then together with friends, they prepared the weekly programmes, articles about music, sports news, jokes and the weather report.
T: Then the story went on. And the writer won the job finally. What do you think is the most important reason for the writer to get the job?
S: The writer’s true love for radio.
S: Maybe the writer has a good voice.

T: In the story of his asking for the job in WXBN, the writer puts in a long description of his / her earlier past story. Do you think it necessary? Why did the writer write the story this way?
S: Yes, it’s necessary. The long description explains why the writer asks for the job instead of staying at school.
S: By writing this way, the story is more interesting.
After this, ask students to read the story (aloud) and finish activities 3 and 4.
Sample answers to activity 4:
Because the writer thinks the question is difficult to answer. It is true that a teenager of fifteen-year-old should be at school, but it is not true to the writer. He / she loves the radio from very young. He / she wants to work on the radio at such a school age. He / She finds it difficult to tell the manager the real reason.
His friends helped him.
The writer prepared programmes about the weather by looking out of the window.

Step III Writing
Ask students to read the passage again to tell “events” from “background information”, and learn to write a story about past. 
T: Just as the writer did in the story, we need to put in the story some background information to make the story clear. Now read the passage again and find sentences which show more about the more important event in the past and background information.
Sample sentences:
More about important events:
 I sat down in the studio, in front of a microphone. He was in another room, behind the glass wall.
 All radio presenters begin work with the same question.
Background information:
 At the age of nine, I asked for jobs in small radio stations.
 As I grew older, my interest in radio grew.
 I did this by looking out the window.
After this, ask students to write a passage modeled after the text.
Sample version:
A lot of things happened in the past, and all of them seemed as if they just happened yesterday.
I could still remember clearly this summer I spent in Beijing where I touched weapons in the Military Museum and talked with foreigners on the Tian'anmen Square; the moment I watched the World Cup on TV and saw Zinedine Zidane hit an Italian player with his head just to receive a red card; the time my Mum asked me to stop playing football after my failure of the mid-term.
All what happened really made me happy, sad, cheer, silent or regret. However, they have
become my memory and will not return forever. I can't change them at all. 2006 is over, symbolizing an end, as well as a beginning. For 2007 is coming. It's a new and hopeful year, standing for a gate of success. However long and hard the road may be, I won't shrink from it. I welcome it. The energy, the faith, the devotion which I bring to this endeavor will truly light the road.

Step IV Homework
Ask students to finish activities 5—9 on pages 105 and 106.

Period 3 Integrating skills 
Language goals 语言目标
Key sentences 重点句子
He then realized how much a radio would help African people learn about health care.
Ability goals 能力目标
Enable students to make a school radio program. 
Teaching important/difficult points教学重难点
How to make a school radio program.
Teaching methods 教学方法
Task-based method. 
Teaching aids 教具准备
A projector and a computer.
Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式

Step I Grammar 
Ask students to read the sentences in the grammar box and sum up the use of v-ing and to + v.
T: In English, we may use only v-ing and not an infinitive after certain verbs (examples are: dislike, enjoy, finish, keep, miss, recall, suggest); we may use only an infinitive after certain verbs (examples are: agree, appear, ask, decide, expect, hope, manage, plan, refuse, want. After many verbs, we may use either an infinitive or v-ing – e.g., hate: We may hate to do homework or hate doing homework (same thing). With some verbs, the meaning of what we are saying may change, depending on whether we're using v-ing or infinitive. An example is the verb stop: I stopped to eat = I stopped for the purpose of getting something to eat. I stopped eating = I am not eating (I have stopped doing it). But there is no pattern (no fixed rule) by which one can determine which verbs take only v-ing, which take only infinitives, and which can take either. Now read the sentences in the box and try to finish activities 1 and 2.

Step II Language in use
Ask students to do activities 3-9 on their own and then check the answers in groups.
Check the answers with the class.
Sample answers to activity 6:
1. Possible ways:?Take notes in every class every day. This includes asking questions when you don’t understand. Process information as you come to it. Have a study place that is free of distractions. Have a specific time for initial study of each subject. You may need more than this time, but having?a set time will save you time. Make summary sheets, flash cards, and practice tests. Always carry some kind of pocket work and make use of wasted spare minutes by reciting and thinking about what you are learning. Find a study partner or two in each class and routinely take turns teaching each other the material. Prepare for each class as if there will be a pop quiz.
2. I like playing badminton or table tennis / reading / sunbathing in sunny weather.
3. I feel anxious / worried about them.
4. We may find out the latest news by searching on the Internet, read daily papers, listening to the radio or watch TV news programs.

Step III Module task 
First ask students to work in groups and decide what to include in the radio show and who will write and present each program.
Then ask students to make a school radio program and record their programs.
Sample radio program:
The following example radio program includes: news, music, sports and sports news, weather reports, etc.
Newsreader: Hey all, welcome back to our school radio programs – Vogue Youth. The news as usual. Headlines: New law to abolish laojiao system; China is taking a fresh look at abolishing the long-disputed re-education-through-labor system, or laojiao, by proposing a new law which is more lenient and protective of the legal rights of minor offenders. Fuwa's visit to London: Beijing 2008 Olympic Games mascot Fuwa, Beibei, Jingjing, Huanhuan,Yingying, Nini strike a pose Tower Bridge?in London to promote upcoming Beijing Olympic Games, Mar, 1st, 2007.
Music hostess: Time to This week's show! It will be doubly long (nearly two hours) and feature the likes of The Actual Tigers, Alison Krause, The Arctic Monkeys, Babyshambles, The Brakes, The Books, Built to Spill, Broken Social Scene, The Constantines, The Dandy Warhols, The Dresden Dolls, The Hold Steady, Joni Mitchell, The Joggers, Jens Lekman, Kelly Clarkson, Rogue Wave, The Like, Pretty Girls Make Graves, The New Pornographers, Okkervil River, and Sly and The Family Stone. Enjoy now!
Weather host: Today is humid and partly cloudy. Afternoon shower or two and the chance of a thunderstorm, mostly in the west. Early fog patches. Light winds tending moderate southeast to easterly.

Step IV Homework
Ask students to finish the rest activities in the workbook and make a self-assessment of the module.

Teaching resources教学资源库
I. 不定式与现在分词的区别 1.?作宾语时,v-ing表示抽象的、一般性或习惯性的和连续性的动作,而不定式则表示某次
具体动作,特别是将来的动作? I?like?playing?football.? I?would?like?to?play?football?this?afternoon.?
2.?作定语时,v-ing表示正在进行的动作,用v-ing的完成时表示动作的完成;不定式表示未发生的动作。 This?is?the?best?way?to?work?out?this?problem. The?man?speaking?to?the?teacher?is?our?monitor’s?father.?
3.?当谓语动词是进行时的时候,用不定式而不用v-ing分词作宾语。? ??It's?beginning?to?snow?you.? It?starts?raining.? ??I'm?considering?how?to?go?(where?to?go,?what?to?do).? I?considered?employing?Mr.?Wang?but?decided?that?Mr.?Chen?was?more?suited?to?the?job.?
4.?在remember,?forget等词后,如果跟v-ing分词,表示v-ing分词的动作发生在主要谓语之前;如果跟不定式则表示不定式的动作发生在主要谓语动作之后? ??I?remember?telling?her?that?last?night.?("告诉"发生在"记得"之前)? He?remembered?to?tell?her?that?when?she?came?back.?("记得"发生在"告诉"之前)? ??I'm?sorry?I?forgot?to?give?you?the?message.?(主语动词表示的动作"忘记"发生在不定式表示的动作"给带口信"之前)?Why!?I?have?such?a?bad?memory.?I?forgot?giving?the?message?last night. ?(v-ing分词表示的动作"给带口信"发生在谓语动词表示的动作"忘记"之前)?
5.?stop,?go?on和leave?off之后跟接动词不定式和v-ing分词所表达的意义有所不同。? ??They?stopped?(talking)?to?work.?[停下(其他动作)来工作]? ??They?stopped?working.?[停下工作(来干其他动作)]? ??Workers?went?on?discussing?the?problem.?[工人继续讨论这一问题]? ??Workers?went?on?to?discuss?the?problem.[工人们停下来其他事,继续讨论这一问题]? ??He?left?off?writing.[他停下写作(去干其他事)]? ??He?left?off?to?write.[他停下(其他事)来写作]?
6.?be+形容词后面要跟动词不定式作状语,而不用v-ing。? ??It?is?very?difficult?to?manage?the?company.
1. My mother told me ??????????????????????(turn) on the lights just now.
2. Chinese would like ?????????????????(make) friends with a lot of foreigners.
3. He feels like ????????????????????(eat) an apple
4. A lot of people likes? ??????????????(do) some shopping on Sundays.
5. They asked me ??????????????????(thank) your mother.
6. Would you like ?????????????????(drink) tea or coffee?
7. A lot of children like ????????????????(swim), because it is good for health.
8. Please ask her ??????????????????(arrive) to school at seven thirty tomorrow morning.
9. My father was glad ???????????????????(see) his old friends yesterday.
10. Please ask uncle Wang ???????????????(mend) the TV set.
1. to turn 2. to make 3. eating 4. doing 5. to thank 6. to drink 7. swimming 8. to arrive
9.to see 10.to mend

II. How to make your radio program
It's easier than you think to create a program with your kids. All you need is a computer/mic system (to record on your computer) or tape recorder or mini disc recorder, a mic, and a plan.
The first thing you need to do is decide what kind of program you are going to offer. Have you always wanted to be a DJ and just play music? If so, what kind of music? And will others want to hear the music you want to play?
After all, it’s more fulfilling knowing that someone wants to actually listen to your show so remember: you can get as eclectic as you want but, if you create a program that’s hard to listen to, you’ll be the only one hearing the broadcast.
Although you don't have to compromise on subject matter, consider the audience you want to attract.
Maybe it’s not music but rather, information which you want to provide. You may want to do a talk show on a particular subject. If so, great! Choosing something you’re truly interested in will make it a more rewarding experience for you and if you’re an expert in a subject, you’ll build a following and come to be known as a great and knowledgeable host.
Or, maybe you would rather do an interview type program with guests. Programs like this are easy to listen to and always interesting to create because your subject matter varies and you never quite know what a guest is going to say.



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